Developing an Early Love of Science One Experiment at a Time

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Five super simple experiments for kids that each take five minutes or less to complete. These colorful and quick science experiments are perfect for kids of all ages and abilities! Includes no-prep printable science journal pages for kids to complete.
  • These jaw-dropping kitchen science experiments will wow kids from preschool on up! A collection of more than 20 experiments to do at home or at school.
  • Try out this colorful collection of over 50 fast science experiments for kids! Perfect for kids of all ages and abilities, these quick science experiments take five minutes or less to complete!
  • This collection of dry ice experiments for kids is safe, fun, and downright magical. Each science experiment teaches important concepts through bubbly fun!

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

Fishing for LEGO Ice Minifigures

HELP! The LEGO minifigures are drowning in icy water! Can you engineer a LEGO ice rescue and save them using the power of science? This is a fresh twist on a classic science experiment for kids. We have over 50 more fun and fast science [...]

DIY Fire Extinguisher Experiment

In this DIY fire extinguisher experiment kids mix two simple kitchen ingredients together to make a small flame go out. This is a fast science experiment and an impressive kitchen science experiment that will not be forgotten! Why does a candle go out [...]

Quick Science Experiments

Gather your mini scientists together and get ready for a five minute science extravaganza! If you teach in a classroom or at home or if you are simply looking for some easy and quick science experiments to do with an after school club, a scouting [...]

Ant Experiments for Kids to do this Summer

Sometimes science experiments are complicated and require a lot of materials and detailed instructions. However, science experiments can also be incredibly simple while being just as fun and interesting. Setting up an ant experiment is fascinating for kids and adults alike and is definitely a [...]

Red Cabbage Egg Dye Experiment

One of the things I anticipate most about the spring season is dying eggs with my family. It's one of those things that is always fun no matter how old I get. This year we added another interesting dimension to our egg-dying party by using [...]

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